LMDDC operates its commercial activities under the brandname "Skilltech Studio"

Have you noticed the name "Skilltech Studio" in our posts, emails, website ? Let us tell you more about it. Although our institutional name will remain "Luxembourg Media and Digital Design Centre" (LMDDC), our business activities are carried out under the name "Skilltech Studio" and with a proper logo, that we are happy to present to you.
Why this name ?
Because it embodies our DNA. We believe that the development and refinement of skills, in the broadest sense of the term, are vital missions of our organisation. Of course, "tech" evidences for our deep commitment to the promotion of any new technology that can potentially support the training and learning ecosystem in Luxembourg in an innovative fashion. And "studio" refers to another key goal: we are not there just to tell our partners what to do, but to do it hand in hand with them. This translates into the creation of a comprehensive and multimodal environment that provides them with all the necessary support in a transversal and neutral manner.
The launch of the "Skilltech Studio" was also the perfect opportunity to expand our communication activities through Twitter, where you can follow us on our account "LMDDC" (https://twitter.com/skilltech_LU)! Among other things, we will share our monitoring and economic intelligence in the field of digital learning, enabling us to anticipate innovation and prevent risks by collecting, analysing, collating and disseminating information.