EdTech Speed Dating

EdTech Speed Dating With AI

Michalis Spyropoulos

Michalis Spyropoulos

Only a minute read |

Announcement for EdTech-AI speeddating on Oct 19th 2023 in Skip Belval 5pm, torso of young man facing torso of a drawn robot

From the Turing Test to ChatGPT, artificial intelligence has come a long way, and it is our turn to contribute to the ongoing debates.

We are excited to announce the first Luxembourg Media & Digital Design Centre (LMDDC) workshop: "EdTech Speed Dating with AI", an event that will unlock the fascinating world of AI and empower you with valuable insights and knowledge.

Join us for a unique moment where we will experiment with the concrete use of AI tools for digital learning.

Exchanges during the workshop will be in English, French, German and Luxembourgish.

Register here: https://lnkd.in/eZZbSqKs

Michalis Spyropoulos

Michalis Spyropoulos

Michalis heads up knowledge management, business development, and communication.